Merseyside Property Sales and Rentals
Merseyside’s premier property website
Landlords and Letting Agents in Merseyside.
Listed below are the landlords and letting agents advertising on this website. Click the link on any one of them for further information and contact details.
Landlords and letting agents – if you don’t already subscribe to this website please follow the link to our advertisement page for details of how to reach 1000’s of tenants every week.
Tenants please note – each advert carries the contact details of the relevant landlord or agent. Feel free to contact us regarding the website or any problems you may experience using it but please note we do not own or manage property ourselves.
Property is currently available from the following landlords / letting agents:
(‘nwpoa’ signifies a member of the North West Property Owners Association)
- A Bennett Properties LTD PO Box 16, Liverpool, L25 4UP (nwpoa)
- AJE Residential Lettings 245a County Road, Walton, Liverpool, L4 5PE. (nwpoa)
- Arathorn LTD 97 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L3 5TB (nwpoa)
- Belvoir Lettings (Merseyside East) 67 Willis Lane, Whiston, Prescot, Merseyside L35 3RU (nwpoa)
- Belvoir Lettings (Wirral) 48 Christchurch Rd, Oxton Village, Wirral, CH43 5SF
- Bridge Property Services 21 Hereford road, Seaforth, L21 1EG (nwpoa)
- Bulldog Investments LTD 55 Chartwell Court, Russell Court, Brighton, BN1 2EX (nwpoa)
- CDC Residential 97 Pinehill Road, Crowthorne RG45 7JP (nwpoa)
- CHU Property 3 Ashurst Close, Skelmersdale, Lancashire, WN8 6QR (nwpoa)
- Clark and Davidson 278 Stanley Rd, Bootle, L20 3ER
- Cook Property Investment 4 Mount Pleasent, Waterloo, Merseyside, L22 5PW
- Cuddly Bears Ltd 96a Duke Street, Liverpool, L1 5AG (nwpoa)
- Direct Developments (NW) Ltd 28 Cambridge Road, Formby, L37 2EL (nwpoa)
- DJJM Wirral Lettings Upton, Wirral (nwpoa)
- Flanagan Property Services Limited 44 Hall Lane, Aintree, Liverpool, Merseyside, L9 0EX (nwpoa)
- Kenmore Development 62 Edgerton Park, Rock Ferry, Wirral, CH42 4RB (nwpoa)
- King Sturge 42 Castle Street, Liverpool, L2 7LA
- KMC Residential The Platinum Suite, Beetham Plaza, Off Brunswick Street, Liverpool, L2 0XJ
- Layperk Properties 32 Canal View Court, Field Lane, Litherland, Liverpool, L21 9QE (nwpoa)
- McMahon Properties 17 Hunters Lane, Wavertree, Liverpool, L15 8HL (nwpoa)
- McVey Property Management 63 Wavetree Road, Liverpool, L7 1PF (nwpoa)
- Merseyside Property Marketing 9 Ward Street, Liverpool, L3 5XX
- North West Investor 406 Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1BD
- One Stop Property Shop 84-86 PRIORY ROAD, ANFIELD, LIVERPOOL, L4 2SH
- P and J Fear Property Rentals (nwpoa)
- Paladin Projects LTD Flat 3, 19 Gambier Terrace, Liverpool, L1 7BL (nwpoa)
- Parkgate Property Solutions 12 Allerton Road, Allerton, Liverpool, L181LN
- Property Growth Management LTD Dynamics House 3 – 5 Hill Street, Liverpool, L8 5XR (nwpoa)
- Property Link – Birkenhead Birkenhead Office, 82-84 Grange Road West, Birkenhead, Wirral, Merseyside. CH41 4DB
- Property Link – Liverpool Property Link, Unit 6, Old Haymarket, Manchester Street, Liverpool, L1 3ER
- Property Options 1 to 3 Warrenhouse Road Waterloo Liverpool L22 6QN
- RMG Flats 7 Pheasant Field, Liverpool, L24 5SD (nwpoa)
- Roberts Estates Wepre House, Lon Parcwr Business Park, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 1NJ (nwpoa)
- Smithies Property 136 College Road, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 3DP (nwpoa)
- Student Homes UK LTD 97 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L3 5TB (nwpoa)
- White Heather 26 Whitby Road Ellesmere Port Cheshire CH65 8AE
- Williams Estate Management WEM Centre, 17 Hatton Garden, Liverpool, L3 2HA (nwpoa)
- Tenants: We hope we can help you find a suitable property. Landlords: if you would like to advertise your properties on our site please see our Letting Agent Advertisements page. We will provide you with your own passwords, allowing you to add all your property to this site. You will also receive a Company Feature Page on our sites to attract further business.
If you are looking for a property to rent, and don’t find what you want here, try our new NWPOA Property Match service. This service is brought to you in association with the North West Property Owners Association. Only Association members can view your requirements.
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